
Firstly, I would like to thank the agency from the bottom of my heart. They were extremely helpful and efficient. They went the extra mile to even esquire with MOM to give us accurate and reliable information to help in our application. I have never been more impressed. They understood our family situation and tailored their advice to suit us.

I have seen countless maids and caregivers over the years. So much so that I have become cynical of them. But my new caregiver proved me wrong. She took care of my grandmother even better than me. She was beyond caring. To top it off, she is also well trained, responsive and efficient. Her efficiency sometimes has made my jaw drop. Her humility and gentle attitude has certainly made her a gem of a person in my eyes. With her soft hearted nature, she has certainly made our lives better and easier.

Truly an agency which practices what it preaches.

They gave a us top notch caregiver and made our application a breeze.

I'm very thankful to have had such a wonderful and memorable experience.

So to conclude, I would like to thank this agency for going beyond their call of duty. Also, I would like to thank Ms Sangari and Mr Thenna. Without them I'm sure I would not have had it so easy.

They treated us not us another customer but as one of their friends. Honestly I'm very touched by their sincerity.

Thank you very much for making this short journey a bliss.